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Friday, July 15, 2011

Boulder Online advertising does not work?? Oh no kidding by Jann Scott

Online advertising does not work?? Oh no kidding by Jann Scott

Boulder Colorado The latest buzz on twitter from local online advertising firms is that On Line advertising does not work for small business’s like restaurants and retailers. It really does not work for big companies either. Banner ads don’t work and neither do pay for click ads. Two major PR firms and one Boulder ad house came right out and said basically, that online advertising is a dud.
First of all it costs too much money according to Trada ceo. Then SM kid Gabe Lee spread an article around face book saying Banner ads are a loser. Now these are two people who are speaking out of school in the ad world??
yep, But we agree with them. More
HERE’S THE RUB: We’ve in in the advertising business at the local level for 30 years so we know what get results for advertisers. We have to or we would not be in business. Advertisers want results. They want to see income levels go up as a result of buying advertising.
You’ll notice Banner ads on the right side here. Do they work?? Yep. Why. Because we treat our advertisers as kings and queens. We don’t treat them as marks the way most online companies do. LIKE FACEBOOK, TWITTER and most of the Boulder online ad houses. What do I mean by that.??
We give our advertisers a full service compliment, track every hit, and we provide them with everything from video to pr. We don’t just sell them. We make it happen for them. We work their business for them. Ask them. They love us. If you are local and you want inexpensive old school results in a world of new technology call me Jann Scott 303 447 8531

Boulder Restaurant ChannelThe Boulder Restaurant Channel and Search Engine lists every restaurant in Boulder from A to Z and by category. It puts up their website, phone number, address, food categories, a map and review section from Google. Plus we list weather and Boulder movies all in one site. It is updated daily and we are locally produced by people not computers. Some listings have a TV icon. We shot TV segments you can visit the restaurant before you go. The videos actually play on the Boulder Restaurant Channel Homepage 24/7 streaming. You can scroll down the More videos and click on any restaurant you want to see. Each video is 3 minutes . Our polling and focus groups show people in Boulder go out to dinner and then a movie so if you click on Dinner and a Movie, it will take you to this weeks movie listing. Our weather link on each page takes you NOAA Boulder weather. We also provide a restaurant coupon section for free dinners and two for one special. You'll notice on the left cooking video blogs by Boulder chefs. These are 3 minute TV shows about favorite recipes. At the top of each page there are sponsored links. We pretty much get to know all of our sponsored restaurants and since Boulder is a small city. We consider them friends. The Boulder Restaurant Channel and Search Engine expanded from The Boulder Restaurant Show which appeared on Channel 54 and more recently on channel 5 with host Jann Scott. The new channel search engine is an online media format. We are part of Channel 1 Networks here in Boulder and have been in the restaurant scene since 1975 when we wrote the Book of Boulder Bar and Restaurant Hopping, Jann wrote that "classic " We started this site in 2005 and decided to make it the most user friendly restaurant site in Boulder. After all we are local. We have polled you to find out what is important to you. We are a 7 day a week 24 hours a day company. Please tell your friends and send this link to everyone in Boulder. For comments, feedback advertising, web work, video and show production please write:

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